I think that Gundam 00 has actually become my favourite Gundam series (i.e. excluding OVAs, movies) ever.
When I watched first season by itself, I thought it was a trainwreck modeled after Code Geass, but after finishing the entirety, I totally understand what the writers were going for [1].
The thing about Gundams is that as a real robot show, it never actually was that plausible.
Like what, you didn't notice that the Titans/Zeon come out with a new mobile suit every week?
That the Jetstream Attack was retarded?
That Amuro Ray pushed an asteroid away from Earth
by the power of his mind?
Various shows have tried to put forward serious explanations for why things are the way they are. Like all of those new models are just prototypes for field testing by elite forces and all of those wildcard pilots are elite members allowed to exercise their individual judgment on the battlefield. 00 takes all of these explanations, and then immediately highlights how ridiculous they really are:
"Another new model? How much money does the Federation have?"
"What about you Mr. Bushido, are you going to follow my orders?"
"I have a license; I'm a one man army"
All of those kids who step into a Gundam and just naturally good at piloting? "Okay!" says 00, "we'll recruit this guy whose sole credentials are that he looks like our previous pilot who died!"
And they don't just take from the UC. You thought Wing was gay? We will make sure our show is the
gayest! You thought Strike Freedom was broken? We will break all our Gundams
in half and then escalate the enemies' weapons to match!
It's like it was made by a bunch of guys who really like Gundam sitting in a room. They're aware of every
3 times faster,
you punched me twice joke on the internet and they want to make sure to include it. They didn't just sit there and trash talk Destiny, they laughed about it and then threw in a few gratuitous transformation sequences as a tribute.
In this sense, 00 really succeeded at what Turn A tried to do, that is unify the Gundam multiverse, but while Turn A was concerned with the physicality of it all, 00 took the spirit of
every series, mixed it up, and boldly turned it all to 11.
They do make a serious attempt at characters and theme, and while it's not outstanding, it is an entirely respectable performance and stands well against their contemporaries. They could've gone the serious route, but it's been done over a million times already and Zeta is pretty hard to top in this respect. So they gave you a roller-coaster ride instead.
For everyone else, you still have Unicorn. No more complaining.
So then, between 00 and Force, most of my great ideas has already been put to paper. What now...1) The movie was weak on substance, but I consider it acceptable if only for closure. That and the Solbraves are amazing [2].2) Trans-Graham.