Thursday, June 19, 2008


Quite a while ago, the USAF wanted to buy 20 refueling tankers from Boeing to replace its fleet. Of course, Senators aren't pleased at all. Just 20? That wouldn't create enough jobs in their home States.

So the USAF budget was upped and they were told to buy 100 airplanes instead. The Air Force decides that with such a large contract at stake, they ought to have an open competition. The result of the competition was that the French company Northrop Grumman won.

Naturally, the government throws a hissy fit that all that money they granted to the Air Force to buy planes they don't need is going to go out of country. A shitstorm ensues; many French jokes were made.

Well, now the Government Accountability Office decided the previous competition was invalid and the Air Force should hold a new contest.


I hate that government.

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