Monday, June 21, 2010

"Meet you on Q+Bath"

That Scott Pilgrim movie better be filmed in Toronto or I will be cross!

What I actually want to talk about is that I hear a lot of people complain that O'Malley or Beaton's art is bad.


I can see how it might be off putting, that's fair enough; personally I hate the character designs in Ren and Stimpy, but Kricfalusi is not a bad artist¹.

The art is technically excellent. Good art isn't always about how accurately you can draw an arm. I challenge anyone who thinks they have the skill to put pen to paper and create as dynamic a cast as those two have. And it's not just about drawing characters, it's the composition as well, and both of them succeed at it marvelously.

I posit that no one who has the skill to actually pull it off, would dare say that Beaton or O'Malley are poor artists.

1. On the other hand, the animation in Family Guy is terrible. Terrible.

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