Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pimp my code

I guess this works:

function combination(n,k){
return factorial(n)/(factorial(k) + factorial(n-k);

function factorial(n){
nf = 1;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++){
nf = nf*i;
return nf;

I'm looking for something more like:

def combination (n,k)
f = lambda {|x|(1..x).inject(1){|x,y|x*y}}
result f(n)/(f(k)*f(n-k))

If anyone can use array.reduce in Javascript without it turning into a mess, I would like to know. <_<


Oleksi Derkatch said...

I think most developers will prefer the first one anyway. I would rewrite factorial to be recursive with memoization though. ( The combination function should also be "memoized".

I think that'd be the cleanest.

Pwu said...

I read the first 140 characters; are you suggesting I have a hash table of factorial values?

Pwu said...

But the second one is saving me so much screen space!

Oleksi Derkatch said...

On second thought, storing the previous computations of the factorials is overkill.