Sunday, April 06, 2008

So, what happened to the Amazon?

Did everyone just decide to move on? Desertification too, whatever became of that issue?

I can only conclude that the environmentalists moved on to the next fad, AKA global warming.

In great irony, as far as I'm aware, great swaths of the ancient forest are still being clear cut, now to provide room for growing bio-fuels. A scam in itself.

Fuck, this is why I hate environmentalists and find it hard to take anything they say seriously. So many of them can't even stand by their own causes for an extended period of time, and this is hurting people's perceptions of legitimate scientists and informed activists.

Fuck you Bono, and McCartney as well. Writing a hit song is not a qualifier for engaging in intelligent discourse.

Fuck those baby seals too, cuteness does not correlate to ecological value.

Maybe I'll elaborate on my position some other time, but suffice to say I am a seething pot of hatred over how things are being conducted right now.

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