2. One of the projectors BSOD'd during the opening ceremony. Sorry, I lost the link.
3. China's team uniforms during the op ceremony were terrible. Who thought red and yellow jackets were a good idea? On the other hand, the gymnastics uniforms are pretty slick.
4. Speaking of gymnastics: China's team is fucking loli. I mean, Chris Hansen levels of loli. God, watching Chinese gymnastics is like watching live action Strike Witches.
5. Romania sucks at gymnastics now, because all their coaches fled to America.
6. During the China-USA basketball game, my parents were like, "there's no way we can keep up to the end, they have all these black people". I was trying not to laugh.
7. NBC did a gallery on hand signals in beach volleyball. I'm pretty certain that was just an excuse for them to post ass shots of women.
8. Fuck Tibet.

9. Phelps is a beast. Metaphorically and literally, as in I think he is ready to eat a baby in that picture. I also love that even though it was Lezak that pulled through in the 100m relay, all the headlines were talking about Phelps.
10. Canada is behind Togo in rankings. Thank god Toronto didn't get the games, you'd think they'd learn by now not to go for summer Olympics.
edit: Finally, Ron MacLean has the balls to say it, "...we're breaking all these Canadian records, but you know, records are falling left and right on account of these new swimsuits." I'm tired of this apologetic 'oh we finished 7th but it's a new Canadian record' crap. At least China is doing well, even in areas it's not historically strong in. Let's see what happens on the track.
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