Wednesday, August 11, 2010

P = NP, casually

My startling MSN treatise on what NP is, and its implications.

Crobert: Does anyone believe that P = NP?

Peter: Probably less than the number of people who believe in perpetual energy

Wtf is a non-deterministic turing machine?
Wtf is a turing machine?
It's a gigantic tape ticker right?

Peter: It's a computer that stores data on infinite ticker tape

Ok, I kind of know what a turing machine is
What's a non-deterministic turing machine?

There's an artistic representation of a turing machine on Wiki
That wasn't there before
Where's this about non-deterministic turing machines?

NP stands for non-deterministic polynomial
I'm just not interested in complexity theory at all

I am not interested in Star Trek
...and I end up reading its Wiki nonetheless

Is Star Trek like Gundam?
Where it works out in theory-
...but not in practice?

No, it doesn't work out in theory either
Like, warp 10 was supposed to be unachievable asymptotic bound
Except in one episode they managed to do it in a shuttle

Crobert: Wtf

They ended up everywhere in the universe at once
...and began speed evolving into lizard people

Crobert: Wtf

Not even kidding
Okay, so non-deterministic turing machines
Pick the correct possibility everytime, assuming it exists

Time travel => P = NP
You also need to be able to travel time in polynomial time

Okay, I get it
Non-deterministic polynomial time means
The problem's in polynomial time if you make the right guess

Crobert: That's so lame

Peter: Which means solutions can be verified in polynomial time

Crobert: Well yeah

So the problems that you can't even verify in polynomial time
I guess those are fucked forever

Crobert: Yes

Peter: k

Crobert: What is such a problem?

Peter: Chess

Crobert: Source

Peter: # ^ Aviezri Fraenkel and D. Lichtenstein (1981). "Computing a perfect strategy for n×n chess requires time exponential in n". J. Comb. Th. A (31): 199–214.

Crobert: o ok

Peter: k, chess is fucked

Crobert: Is chess solved?

Peter: No, it's fucked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the most rigourous treatment the mentioned proof has received so far.