Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Trials and tribulations of used car shopping

After getting reared by an SUV and scrapping the Accord, I found a newer Maxima with lower mileage for $1800 more than the insurance reimbursement.

Turns out what I thought was a great deal has a couple of flaws.

Passenger window is gimped.

Okay, whatever. Easy fix, the internet tells me.

Rear ABS sensor has salt corrosion.

Ooops! Goodbye VDC, traction, ABS!

Well that has to be fixed, no question. On the brighter side, the car drives well; the shifts are virtually unnoticeable, which is a step up from the Honda.

Still, Great-Deal had just turned into Okay-Deal post-purchase.

And what the hell was the previous owner doing, ricing the vehicle instead of fixing a bad ABS sensor?

"It's okay, I know how to pump the brakes"

Because that is totally the same, right?

My mother had comforting words.

"Look at this stack of papers you removed from the old glove compartment, it's every time your father took it to service without telling me; they're all like $400 and $500 each!"

Damn! No wonder that Accord worked flawlessly.

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