Saturday, May 21, 2011

When the Levee Breaks

There is something to be said about the wisdom of challenging nature.

But part of me thinks it just means we're just not trying hard enough.

We did conquer the Yangtze, right? We did carve a 50-mile channel through Panama, right? If it's not working, it's nothing that we can't fix with more shovels, steel and concrete, right?

If every dollar going to JSFs from the USAF was poured into the USACE, we could build a labyrinth to entrap even the mighty Mississippi. An aegis over New Orleans that'll deflect Category Vs like whippoorwill wing beats.

The Flood Control Act of 2011.




I hear that the DPJ in Japan has cancelled a plan to tsunami-proof its entire coastline. It was projected to take 400 years.

You know what, let's go for it. We have to start somewhere.

So 500 years from now, people can look back.

And think.

Fuck yeah, humans rule.

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