Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'd like to talk about Resnet

Somehow this slipped my mind during the last post, but my residence has its own wireless network called Resnet. There are a group of upper years who maintain this network collectively termed the "Resnet guys".

Their heads live on my floor.

Basically they are exactly how you would imagine them to be like. You would walk by their room on the first day, see 3 monitors on one side, a 30" screen on the other, a plasma tv in the middle and cords everywhere,

"Are these the Resnet guys?"

One of them dropped the term "symmetrical docking" in during a Smash match and I was like "I see what you did there." He also has a figurine of Fang-tan. We also had a conversation about how Genesis does what the Nintendon't. I think I'm going to get along just fine with him. Another is like the manifestation of every geek stereotype you can imagine, down to "I got to go, I have a raid to attend right now." Well, except he's not fat, unclean or unemployed, so it's not too bad.

When I requested that they download Ikaruga on Live Arcade it turns out that they already have it. Not on 360 mind you, or even Gamecube, they had it on the fucking Dreamcast! Better yet, they have an open door policy where anyone could just go into their room to chill regardless of whether they're in or not.

"I think my productivity this term is going to approach zero"
"Why not zero?"
"Because I've done some work already"
"Have you handed anything in?"
"Well, there you go"

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