Saturday, March 22, 2008


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is a new "documentary" on intelligent design.

What is the first warning sign? When the entire movie is some kind of twisted invocation of Godwin's Law.

That's right, the movie compares evolution to Hitler.


You can't make this kind of shit up. Ignoring the absolute ridiculousness of the claim, let's assume that Hitler was in fact motivated by evolution. How the does that address the veracity of the theory itself at all? Hitler also enjoyed watercolours, ergo watercolours must be a lie? With a premise that stupid, no wonder ID has such trouble gaining support.

Now I will talk of the host, Ben Stein. Ben Stein, a former professor of law. Hey, professor of law, whatever happened to separation of Church and State? Jackass.

And your game show sucks too.

On a concluding note, here's the obligatory link to PZ getting expelled from Expelled.

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