Larry King? Why isn't he dead yet? Hasn't he been broadcasting for the last 50 years or something? I'm not a fan of Lou Dobbs either. What happened to the hosts of Crossfire, are they out of a job now?
The worst is probably Wolf Blitzer, my god the Situation Room is bad. So bad. It's a case of having more money that they can't spend it all. Why is it necessary to have touchscreen TVs and fancy 3D graphics? Why can't they just show the pictures directly on my TV instead of filming a guy pointing at a monitor? Then they have this issue where no matter what they're talking about they must have four picture in pictures just hovering around the border, sometimes not even related to the discussion. The only good thing I can say is that "Wolf Blitzer" would make a great name for a Digimon attack.
At least they have Anderson Cooper, I can't say much about his journalistic integrity, but he's got ruggedly good looks.
Also of note, I'm reading this article from Time Online (in partnership with CNN) on the proposed satellite shoot down. What picture did they use in the article?

That's right, it's a Nimitz class CVN launching a Sea Sparrow. They've got the wrong boat and the wrong missile, in fact the picture has nothing to do with the article at all except for the fact that it takes place in the ocean. I wonder how many other times they're bullshitting and I just don't know about it.
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